하지만 실행에는 문제가 없어서 그냥 쓰다가 실행할 때마다 뜨는게 귀찮아지기 시작 … (OK 버튼 클릭한 번하는건데도 귀찮..)
검색해보니 여러가지 방법들이 나왔는데 나는 귀찮으니까 일단 제일 간단해 보이는 걸로 실행해봤더니 잘 되었다 :) ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
내가 한 해결 방법! 1. 이클립스 workspace > Servers (프로젝트) > .settings 삭제 2. 이클립스 workspace > Servers (프로젝트) > .project 삭제 3. 이클립스 재실행 (프로젝트 다시 import하라는 사람도 있는데 나는 하지 않아도 잘 되었다.)
This is for a mining quest called Rin’thissa with the objective being to kill Rin’thissa.
I got the quest by mining a regular Felslate Deposit in Suramar and Rin’thissa appeared to give me the quest. The entrance to the cave her summoning crystal is located in is at 40.5, 29.5
Unless you have the quest, when you click on the crystal you won’t be able to summon her, if you’re on the quest, there’s a dialogue option to say “Rin’thissa” which will summon her.
She has about 10M health and casts Corruption that gives you a damaging DoT, Fel Fireball, and Fel Flamestrike which leaves a green circle on the ground that will damage you if you stand in it. If you ahve sufficient self heals you’ll be able to do the fight no problem if your ilvl is 835+. You might have a bit of trouble if your ilvl is lower than 830. https://ko.wowhead.com/object=242410/%EB%A6%B0%ED%8B%B0%EC%82%AC%EC%9D%98-%EC%86%8C%ED%99%98%EC%84%9D#english-comments